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Biotin Injections

Hair Filler

Repair and strengthen your hair from the inside out with our Biotin Hair Growth Injection. Time to get your confidence back!

Price is area dependant

Experience the power of biotin for promoting healthy hair growth and preventing dryness with our Biotin Hair Injections. This essential nutrient not only revitalises your hair, but it also enhances its elasticity, effectively reducing and preventing breakage. Say goodbye to dry, damaged hair and welcome a rejuvenated look with shiny, thick, and beautiful strands.

Unlike external hair care products such as shampoos or conditioners, our biotin injections work from within your body. When injected, biotin interacts with cell enzymes, playing a crucial role in the production of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Since hair itself is made up of keratin, a form of protein, replenishing your body with biotin supplements helps restore hair growth and strength. Supplying essential nutrients to the hair bulb, our injections stimulate stronger hair production and encourage growth in areas where hair is thinning. Rediscover the joy of having vibrant, voluminous hair with our Biotin Hair Injections.

Key Features:

Promotes healthier hair growth and prevents dryness
Enhances hair elasticity, minimising breakage
Works from within your body to nourish hair follicles
Restores shine, thickness, and beauty to your hair
Stimulates stronger hair production in thinning areas

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Procedure Time

Area dependant

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Full Recovery

24 hours

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Back To Work

0-24 hours

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After 3 treatment

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Numbing cream

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Duration of Results 

3-month top-ups maintain the results

Main benefits...



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